Friday, September 25, 2009

matte painting

Sorry everyone, I had to edit this post due to nda and not being able to say which film I'm working on. I'm currently matte painting on a feature film, and I'll be a bit busy, so I'll try to post some stuff when I can. Thanks everyone!


joeystudz said...


Mike Tassie said...

That's awesome Richard!! Congrats man! I can't wait to see what you cooked up for them.

Robert Simons said...

Nice =D

proconpictures said...

Am looking forward to seeing some of that.

paint paint paint said...

Thanks everyone!

Powell said...


Wayne Porter said...

congrats my friend!

sebastian meyer said...

Great work man! Love the enviros, but I really like the speed paintings too, especially the super-stacked city a few posts down.

Jparked said...

Hey Richard,

Great work here, Will be back for more.