Tuesday, May 26, 2009

painting featured on 3d total's frontpage

I'm very excited to be awarded the 3d total excellence award for my loading dock piece, along with being featured on their front page and concept gallery. =)

Take a look.



joeystudz said...

Nice, congrats Rich.

RAWLS said...

Yo Richard! Absolutely Beautiful work my friend!!! I want to paint like you. I found your blog because you are featured on the same page as me in the latest Imagine FX mag!
Keep up the great work man!

Anonymous said...

nice stuff rich. this piece is pretty awesome!

keep em comin

Powell said...

Right on, congrats dude!

Anonymous said...

good job richie!! congrats~~<3

Devon Whitehead said...

nice work!

Stephen Chang said...

Thanks Rich, norcal is great, how is it moving back to LA? your stuff is lookin Hot!!!

paint paint paint said...

Joe - thanks buddy!

James- Thanks!

Darren - Nice meeting you man! Your reel is sick!

Steph - thank you. =)

Devon, thank you! I love your blog.

Stephen - LA is cool, I'm readjusting. You and Tony should get together and track your s2ks together.

paint paint paint said...

and John! thanks buddy. HAHA. How's chicity?

Danny Kim aka Danky said...

Hey Richard~!! Long time no see. You got a lot of great work here. Are you in Cali now? I know you were at Midway. We gotta catch up.

-Danny K.

Gonçalo Pereira said...

Hi mate!

Thanks for the visit!
Your work is just amazing and truly inspiring.

All the Best, and keep posting please!

paint paint paint said...

Danny!! I didn't even know that was your blog that I visited. I should have looked at your picture. Man its been a longgggg time! We def. need to catch up.